Hill and Associates 24/7 coverage

New app puts Asia risk intelligence into the hands of users

Governments, businesses and other organisations operating in the Asia region will have unprecedented access to Hill & Associatesrisk and intelligence services through the launch of a new app, H&A24.

24 7 App Risk Intelligence

The H&A24 Risk Intelligence app has been designed to give clients an easy-to-use, single platform to access all of H&A’s Risk Intelligence alerts, reports, advisories and other materials. It is available now on Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store.

“The risk intelligence information we share helps governments and major global companies make strategic decisions, and we want to ensure they have the best possible reports from our expert analysts. By being better informed, corporations can prepare for and respond much more quickly to an incident, enabling them to remain a step ahead in mitigating the risk and protecting their interests and assets - whether these are personnel, property, information and intellectual property or reputation.”

Howard Wang, Managing Director of H&A, said.

Ian Betts, head of H&A’s Risk Intelligence service, said a network of experts spread across key markets in Asia meant reports were second-to-none in their depth of analysis and speed.

“Our reports are indispensable to any major company, non-governmental organisation or government department seeking to keep up to date with the latest developments in the Asia region,” he said. “Users can access country-specific or regional intelligence, as well as emergency alerts and advisories. This is a key tool for any organisation with employees travelling or working in Asia.”

H&A24 will be managed by H&A's dedicated team of Risk Intelligence analysts who can issue reports and alerts from anywhere in the region. It will allow H&A - a subsidiary of G4S, the world’s leading integrated security company - to be even more responsive to the risk intelligence needs of those who rely on intelligence.

Clients with subscriptions to Country Risk Reports will receive real-time notifications on their devices, allowing them to stay up to date with key risk developments across the Asia region. All alerts and reports will be searchable, allowing access to information at the touch of a button, and shareable with colleagues.


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